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Tag "free gaza campaign"


We are thrilled to announce the Gaza’s Ark project and the participation of those in the United States who support the people of Gaza and the West Bank.   If you would like to know more about Gaza’s Ark and how you can support the project, join us on a conference call,   Tuesday, May 22 at 11pm Eastern.  Please call 712-432-3900, access code 481417#. Ann Wright and Jane Hirschmann

French boat Dignité of Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece

16 July 2011 For Immediate Release French boat Dignité of Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage,

How to turn the Freedom Flotilla 2 debacle into an opportunity

What can we make of the FF2 debacle? First, let’s say this openly: the FF2 was a comprehensive defeat for civilized mankind and a major tactical victory for the “Jewish state of Israel”. Yes, the FF2 did bring some additional attention to the Gaza blockade and the plight of the Palestinian people, but that is a very modest achievement at best. I would argue that the benefits of drawing the

Another major victory for the Egyptian people?

According to Ha’aretz and the BBC, Egypt will permanently open the Rafah crossing into Gaza The Rafah crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May: the crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May. If that is true, this is wonderful and long-awaited news!! Brick by brick, the

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza Despite kidnapping, government obstacles and financial challenges The Road to Hope Convoy reunited in Egypt after having been split by the Egyptian requirement to charter a ship from Libya to El Arish and the kidnapping of 10 convoy members from Libya to Greece.  3 members of the convoy travelled to Egypt by sea with 30 vehicles and £500,000 of humanitarian aid, 29 convoy

Keep your eye on for the US Boat to Gaza launch videos

They said it couldn’t be done, that Americans couldn’t raise money fast enough to buy a boat to join Freedom Flotilla 2 in the fall. But never underestimate American determination in the face of Israeli intransigence and brutality. The launch of the US Boat to Gaza began last night in New York, and Free Gaza was there to participate. Listen to Col. Ann Wright’s eloquent speech, then watch our TWITTER

Rachel Corrie on Her Way

Written by Free Gaza Team | 04 June 2010 [Cyprus, June 4, 2010] The Rachel Corrie is 150 miles away from Gaza in international waters and on her way. They will arrive on Saturday morning. The 1200 ton cargo ship is the last ship from the Freedom Flotilla and is loaded with construction materials, 20 tons of paper and many other supplies that Israel refuses to allow into the imprisoned

Sabotage on the High Sea

Written by Greta Berlin for FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Cyprus, June 4, 2010) On Tuesday,, Colonel Itzik Tourgeman told the Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday that two more ships are on their way to try and break the naval blockade of Gaza. The head of research in the operations division said, “The ships have not reached their target as of today because covert action was taken against

News update about the Freedom Flotilla 2

Preparation is already well underway for an even larger “Freedom Flotilla Two” to be launched in the coming weeks. The new flotilla will travel to Gaza again in matter of weeks. Statements by the EU, the UN and others have made it imperative that Israel obey international law and lift the blockade. For example, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated that the siege is “unsustainable and unacceptable.” While
