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Tag "freedom of speech"

Controversy is good if it makes you think!

Time has come to remind everybody of a few basic things about this blog: 1) I don’t “endorse” everything I post here 2) The only stuff I “endorse” is the articles I sign with my name 3) Controversy is good if it makes you think Two articles I posted recently got me into hot water with some of you: Andrew Kroybko’s article on Armenia and Belarus and Sakari Linden’a article on

Radio Liberty ended Andrei Babitsky’s struggle for freedom

by Marina Iudenich translated by Tatzhit Mihailovich Andrei Babitsky championed freedom for more than twenty years.Freedom for Shamil Basayev to lord over the Caucasus. Freedom for Salman Raduyev to carry out terrorist operations where he pleases.Freedom for Akhmed Zakayev to hide from justice in London [and for Isa Munaev to hide in Denmark – he subsequently returned to start jihad once again, in Ukraine ].Babitsky fought fiercely and passionately with

Apparently this clarification is needed

  “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Jesus Christ – Revelation 3:16   The truth is that Voltaire never said “I don’t agree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the end for your right to say it”. This is just “democratic” lore. And yet “demodrones” like to invoke that before they shut your

First impressions – and misgivings – in reaction to Hassan Nasrallah’s speech today

I have been studying Hezbollah since 1995 and I don’t recall Hassan Nasrallah ever delivering such a strongly worded warning as what he did today at the “Prophet Loyalty Rally”.  I might be mistaken, but I see several unprecedented elements in his speech today: 1.  First, he clearly and unambiguously threated the USA and its Empire by stating that the consequences for releasing the full movie “Innocence of Muslims” would

Pussy Riot vs Julian Assange – to each his own hero and villain

Two high profile freedom of speech cases are unfolding these days, the one of the Pussy Riot sentencing in Moscow and the granting by Ecuador of political asylum to Julian Assange.  I would argue that both cases are in many ways if not similar, then at least comparable to each other.  After all, in both cases we have college drop-outs breaking the laws of major power and in both cases
