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Tag "F(unny)Man"

Ideological Poultry Farm, or why ZONE A is Doomed.

by F(unny)Man for the Saker Blog After some days of looking for my mind, and finally finding it yesterday afternoon … I think I lost it again today. I was watching a YouTube video of how chicken meat and eggs are produced in a poultry farm with all the steps in between(1). They show the entire thing in that video. From the hatching of the chicks to the final packaging

Amateurs think strategy, generals think logistics … Or why Ukraine is doomed

By F(unny) Man for the Saker Blog A simple analysis of the events in real-time(1). No matter which one of the levels in the Battlespace (Tactical, Operational or Strategic) of this War (or Combined Arms Police Action, as of Mr. A. Martyanov’s definition) Is impossible because there is the fog of war, the information we are receiving is old, compromised, unsure. We do not have the full of it on
