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Tag "future status of Novorussia"

What is the Donbass fighting for?

by Edward Birov for Vzgliad Translated by Gideon   “It is abundantly clear that the crisis will continue until such times as the Ukrainians achieve harmony between themselves and society, instead of being submerged in the roar of radicalism and nationalism, will unite around more positive values and reflect the true interests of the Ukraine”, – from an interview with Vladimir Putin. “Novorussia, consisting of the pro-Russian Ukraine, Russia and

Putin’s counter-intuitive 8 point peace plan for the Ukraine

There is a lot of speculation about Putin’s end goal. They range from “Putin wants ton conquer the Ukraine and then Moldova, the Baltic States and (who knows?) even Poland” to “Putin’s wants to back-stab Novorussia and sell it in exchange for Crimea”. And these are not just empty speculations, because your assessment of what is happening today will largely depend on what you believe Putin’s end goal is. For

A Grim and Fatalist Post-Holiday Sitrep for the Dream that Was “NovoRossiya” and the People of the Donbass

by Mark Sleboda   Russia will obviously not allow the West-backed and installed Kiev regime to conquer the rump “NovoRossiya” by military means. This latest “offensive” of theirs will either peter out quickly or will end very badly for them if it expands in the Spring. But the NAF is even less a coherent and organized force than the UAF/batallions (and that’s saying a lot because Kiev has very limited

Novorussia: independent, associated or (con)federated?

An important disclaimer, caveat and clarification First, I will begin by a clear disclaimer which I ask you all to please carefully read and then keep in mind: I personally am not advocating any option for the final status of Novorussia.  That is for the people of Novorussia to decide and any option that they will chose I will support.  Furthermore, at this point in time I am not even
