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Tag "Gazprom"

MADE In Russia VII September 1 – 15 2017

  by Scott Humor What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2 What does Russia produce? 3 Made In Russia SITREP IV Made in Russia V Made in Russia VI   Time Forward!       The transcript of the video with sources The best news of the week that you might have missed. Time of Production [0:23] In Yakutia opened a new mining and processing plant with

Europe’s addiction to Russian gas: How long before withdrawal symptoms set in?

by Leonid Krutakov for Odnako (translated by: Robin)   In mid-January, EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič held talks with Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak in Moscow. After the talks, Mr. Šefčovič expressed surprise at three circumstances. First, Gazprom has no intention of building the South Stream pipeline. Second, in the future natural gas will be delivered to Europe via Turkey. And, third, Russia is not

Russia Leaves the European Commissioner for Energy Union out in the Cold

by Aleksei Kettunen   GAZPROM–EU: 6–0 Yesterday on Wednesday the EU negotiated with Gazprom in Moscow. The EU negotiators had three aims: Pressure Russia into extending the special winter pricing on gas supplies to Ukrainian due to end in March, Force Russia to further unilateral concessions by forcing all European energy purchases to happen through a new “European Energy Union”, Pressure Russia to resurrect the canceled South Stream gas pipeline
