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Tag "General Ivashev"

Behind Purge of Moscow Mayor is Kremlin Power Battle

By F. William Engdahl for the Real News Network The dramatic confrontation between the politically powerful Mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzhkov and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is far more than a Russian corruption scandal. It is the latest move in a global chess game of power between the faction increasingly lined up behind former President Vladimir Putin and current president Medvedev. At stake is whether Russia becomes an integrated part

“In the Interests of Israel”: Why Russia will not sell the S-300 Air Defense System to Iran

by General Leonid Ivashov for Voltairenet Russian army chief of staff Gen. N. Makarov broke the news on September 22 that Russia will not sell the S-300 air defense systems to Iran. Regardless of official explanations, it does not take an expert to realize that as a purely defensive system designed to shield a country from aircraft and cruise missile attacks the S-300 complexes cannot pose a threat to any
