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Tag "George Kenney"

Excellent discussion of the crisis in Greece

George Kenny has recorded yet another most interesting interview, this time with Dr. Richard Wolff. They discuss the economic crisis in Greece, of course, but also the larger implications of the latest manifestation of the crisis of capitalism. Excellent stuff, I highly recommend it! Check it out here: More generally, George churns out one interesting interview after another, week after week.  Keep an eye on his “Electric Politics”! The

Excellent discussion of the crisis in Greece

George Kenny has recorded yet another most interesting interview, this time with Dr. Richard Wolff. They discuss the economic crisis in Greece, of course, but also the larger implications of the latest manifestation of the crisis of capitalism. Excellent stuff, I highly recommend it! Check it out here: More generally, George churns out one interesting interview after another, week after week.  Keep an eye on his “Electric Politics”! The

Two very interesting radio shows

Dear friends, Check out these two most interesting radio shows: Bonnie Faulkner interviews Michel Collon on the topic ” Five Objectives of the United States In Africa”. George Kenny interviews Dr. Arjun Makhijani on the topic of the consequences of the nuclear accident in Fukishima. Really great stuff – I highly recommend both shows. Cheers! The Saker

Another great interview by George Kenny on Electric Politics : “Whither the Israel Lobby?”

George Kenny is clearly on a roll! Only a week ago he had a fantastic show about Bosnia (which I hope you all listened to) and now he follows up with yet another truly excellent interview with Jeffrey Blankfort on the topic of the Israel Lobby. Listening to these two interviews, I was reminded of the words of George Orwell “In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is

Bosnia Redux – George Kenny inteviews Dr. Steven E. Meyer

George Kenny has interviewed Dr. Steven E. Meyer, formerly at the CIA and during the 1990s Deputy Director of the Interagency Balkan Task Force – he’s now at the National Defense University, for his website Electric Politics. You can listen to this very interesting interview here (streaming and download on this page). I HIGHLY recommend this conversation to you all. The Saker

George Kenney interviews James Petras

Very interesting interview by George Kenny for his excellent website and show Electric Politics. You can listen to the interview by clicking here. I do not always agree with Petras, but his opinion and expertise is definitely worth paying attention to. Hope you enjoy this 50min interview. The Saker
