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Tag "Gilad Atzmon"

Appeal for help from Gilad Atzmon

Dear friends, My friend Gilad urgently needs our help.  Please help him! The Saker Here is the text of the appeal he posted: Gilad Needs Additional Support November 26, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon Dear friends In March I was sued for libel by the chairman of the Campaign Against Anti Semitism (CAA), Gideon Falter, for suggesting that ‘Antisemitism is a business plan.’ As CAA has explained its objective, the lawsuit was

Total Humiliation for the USA and Israel at the UN

by Gilad Atzmon Trump’s America is still a superpower. It was supported by no less than eight other countries, including Honduras, Guatemala, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Togo, Nauru and southern Sudan and do not forget Israel. The resolution passed with an overwhelming majority of 128-9, the UN General assembly declares the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ‘null and void.’ It took Donald Trump a year to

Judea Declares War against Roger Waters

by Gilad Atzmon I am not the only musician whose career they try to destroy. Roger Waters is also subject to a vile Zionist smear campaign. The Jewish press reports that a documentary titled Wish You Weren’t Here by Ian Halperin is about to hit the screens in every shtetle around the world. According to the Wish You Weren’t Here trailer, Waters is to blame for the rise of anti Semitsm, the failing of

The Saker interviews Gilad Atzmon

It has been already 6 years since I interviewed Gilad for the first time and when a friend recently suggested that it was time for a new conversation, I immediately agreed, as did Gilad who, in spite of his over-booked and hectic lifestyle took the time to reply to my questions.  Gilad is, in my opinion, not only the most original and talented jazz musician currently composing and playing (make

Syria – Israel Is Losing the Battle

By Gilad Atzmon for Information Clearing House  In the last week we have been following British and French’s desperate attempts to push for a military intervention in Syria. It is far from being a secret that both British and French government are dominated by the Jewish Lobby. In Britain it is the ultra Zionist CFI (Conservative Friends of Israel) – apparently 80% of Britain’s conservative MPs are members of the pro

Pillar of Impotence

by Gilad Atzmon In the past week, the people of Gaza have been subject to some serious Israeli attacks. Some Hamas leaders and militants have been murdered and many more Palestinians – innocent civilians, babies, kids women and elders – have lost their live. Yet, Gaza is celebrating with the Hamas leadership never more popular. So here is an interesting anecdote that deserves our attention. During the recent clashes Gazan

Straight from the horse’s mouth

Sent to me by Gilad Atzmon (thanks brother!) who wrote the following foreword on his website: The following article was published on the popular Zionist site Times Of Israel. It actually confirms everything we say and write about Jewish power, Jewish identity, Jewish left and Jewish AZZ (anti Zionist Zionists) . It is also consistent with each and every finding in my latest book The Wandering Who? We are dealing

Ali Abunimah and Gilad Atzmon at the OK Corral

by Roger Tucker for One Democratic State The recent open letter Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon, apparently written by Ali Abunimah, has come as a shock to many people, including yours truly. Not only have the Zionists colonized Palestine and subjected them to a permanent campaign of genocide, but as anyone who has been paying attention knows, they have

Gilad Atzmon: By Way Of Deception

Examining Alan Dershowitz’s and Abe Foxman’s arguments against The Wandering Who Earlier this week I learned from the Jerusalem post how desperate notorious Zionists Alan Dershowitz and ADL’s Abe Foxman are to stop my new book ‘The Wandering Who’.  It seems that Foxman, Dershowitz and their allies amongst the Jewish ‘anti’-Zionists (aka ‘anti-Zionist Zionists’ or AZZ) are in a state of total hysteria. So far, the book has been endorsed

The long arm of Israel

by Gilad Atzmon We have learned in the last few days that some Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist elements are planning to interfere with Zero Books’ The Wandering Who book launch this Monday. Your support for the book and also for the freedom of speech is most welcome. Book Launch: A Panel Discussion on ‘Jewish Identity Politics’ Monday, 10th October, 2011, 7:00 pm Resource for London 356 Holloway Road London N7 6PA

They Better Run For Their Lives

by Gilad Atzmon I have been monitoring the Hebrew press for the last three days and it is increasingly obvious to me and others, that no one out there, including Israeli top analysts, understands where the current escalation is leading. However, a few things are becoming clear: 1. The so-called ‘Jewish spring’, known also as the Israeli ‘tents protest’, has been easily dismantled. The Israelis seems to be far more

Let the Dog See the Rabbi

by Gilad Atzmon We are used to reading about Israelis and Jews bragging about the inherent bond between Israel, enlightenment, modernity, science and technology. Hence, it may take us by surprise to find out that in the Jewish State, a dog was ‘sentenced to death by stoning’ by a Rabbinical court. Ynet reported yesterday that several weeks ago a large dog entered the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. The dog scared

For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities

by Gilad Atzmon It occurred to me recently that the Palestinian solidarity discourse is spiritually, ideologically and intellectually driven by some very misleading terminology: crucial notions such as Zionism, colonialism and apartheid (heard in every discussion, and present in every text book about the conflict), are either confusing, or even delusional: I believe that they are there to actually block any attempt to grasp the true spirit and ideologies that

Jews, Judaism & Jewishness

by Gilad Atzmon Since Israel defines itself as the ‘Jewish state’ we are entitled to consider what the word ‘Jewish’ stands for. I tend to differentiate between three distinct (yet occasionally confusing) categories. Jews – the people Judaism – the religion Jewishness – the ideology During my study of Zionism, Jewish politics, ‘identity politics’ and culture, I have managed to avoid embroiling myself in the complexity involved with the first
