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Tag "homs"

First videos of militants being evacuated from Homs Syria

First videos of militants being evacuated from Homs Syria       Russia’s FAN Federal News agency reports on the first day of the operation during which 2.500 militants of the terror organizations Jabhat al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar al-Sham and members of their families will be evacuated from Syrian Homs. On Monday, the Iranian news source PressTV reported that “Syria militants reach Homs evacuation deal with government” “Foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants

Syrian War Report – March 16, 2017: Syrian Army Aims To Regain More Gas Fields Near Palmyra If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover Pro-government forces, backed by Russian and Syrian warplanes and attack helicopters, continued developing momentum against ISIS terrorists in the countryside of Palmyra. Following the liberation of the Mustadira gas field and Wadi Ahmar, Government troops
