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Tag "human rights"

“Rendition” victim Maher Arar testifies before Congress via videolink

(Indymedia) A bi-partisan group of Congressmembers have personally apologized to Maher Arar, the Canadian citizen seized by U.S. officials secretly flown to Syria where he was tortured. Arar testified last week before a House panel, the first time he has had a chance to tell his story to U.S. lawmakers. But he couldn’t testify in person. Even though the Canadian government has cleared his name, Arar remains barred from the

Torture Endorsed, Torture Denied

Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law says that the Bush administration’s repeated insistence that it has not endorsed the torture of prisoners rings hollow in light of newly-disclosed US Department of Justice memos supporting the harshest techniques the CIA has ever used… By Marjorie Cohn The April 2004 publication of grotesque photographs of naked Iraqis piled on top of each other, forced to masturbate, and led around on
