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Tag "Hungary"

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s “State of the Nation” address

Good afternoon. Former Presidents Áder and Schmitt and your Dear Wives, Mister Speaker, Leaders of Hungarian communities from beyond our borders, Ladies and Gentlemen, As you are certainly aware, around two weeks ago a devastating earthquake shook Türkiye and Syria. The death toll is now over 44,000, and sadly this is not yet the end. Sorrows come suddenly, without warning, without knocking on the door, but simply smashing it open

Hungary does the “unthinkable” and defends its national interests

Hungary has just signed a 15 year contract with Russia for the delivery of Russian gas via the southern route, thus bypassing the Ukraine completely (3.5 billion cubic meters via Serbia and 1 billion cubic meters via Austria).  But that is not all.  The Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has stated, in so many words, that this is a sovereign decision of Hungary and that it is nobody’s business how

Hungary: Next Stop on the Putsch Express

Submitted by Andrew Kahn for Voice of América (Twitter @akahnnyc)   Once is a conspiracy theory. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice gets people wondering. Four times and the polished denials begin as conspiracy theory has become neoliberal reality. So it is in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet regions. Yugoslavia, Croatia, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine. And where next? The number has gone way beyond four – the time

Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President Calls Out the US as Morally and Financially Bankrupt

Note from The Saker: amongst my many blind spots and list of topics I know practically nothing about there is, to my great shame, the topic of Hungarian politics. Therefore please address your comments, criticisms and reactions (and thanks!!!) to American Kulak but not to me. I am most definitely the least qualified to say anything at all about this. Cheers and enjoy! The Saker——-  Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President
