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Tag "iran elections aftermath"

“Iranian scenario” for Russia while the EU collapses? (UPDATED)

The BBC is reporting that: Moscow is braced for what the opposition claims will be the biggest demonstration in Russia for 20 years. Tens of thousands are expected to gather in a square south of the Kremlin, in the latest show of anger over disputed parliamentary polls. Smaller rallies are due to take place in cities across the country. The protesters allege Sunday’s elections – which gave Prime Minister Vladimir

Reflecting on Iran’s Presidential Election

by Ismael Hossein-Zadeh for Middle-East online 1. Questions that Beg to be Asked US and European corporate media, political pundits and “Iran experts” have spent countless hours discussing the June presidential election in Iran. Yet, they have utterly failed to ask a number of central questions that beg to be asked: Why did Mir Hossein Mousavi, the main rival of President Ahmadinejad, declare himself the winner while voting was still

Ahmadinejad annouces his new Minister of Intelligence

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced a number of his appointees for his Cabinet, including three women. Among the names was Hojatoleslam Heidar Moshlehi who used to be the Iranian Supreme Leader’s representative to the Basij. He is a representative of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the ground forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as well as the Iranian Charity Organization. He is also an advisor

Mousavi accused of helping ‘foreign spies’

Press TV reports: A prominent lawmaker accuses the campaign headquarters of defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi of aiding and abetting foreign intelligence operatives in Iran. Ali-Asghar Zarei, a senior parliamentarian and an advisor to newly re-elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, claimed on Sunday that the Mousavi camp had candidly supported foreign espionage activities to advance its political agenda before and after the June 12 election. “Our intelligence sources say that

Iran’s president purges Intelligence Ministry

The LA Times reports: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad replaces longtime officials with loyalists. The son of a former intelligence chief accuses the president of retaliation against those who have not supported his reelection. By Borzou Daragahi Reporting from Beirut — Iran’s president has conducted a purge of the nation’s Intelligence Ministry, sweeping aside ranking officials with decades of experience in favor of loyalists, said a lawmaker, several news websites and a former
