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Tag "ISI"

Former ISI chief Hamid Gul – Mumbai attacks, 911 “inside jobs”

The former head of the Pakistani ISI was interviewed by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria recently. He had interesting things to say. Here is the transcript of the interview: ZAKARIA: General Gul, you know that the United States has given four names to the United Nations of ISI officers whom it would like to place on an international terrorist list. You are one of those four names. What’s your reaction to that.

Indians claim terrorists took orders from Pakistan

From the Times Online: The Indian authorities yesterday claimed to have proof that the Mumbai terrorists were receiving instructions from Pakistan and discussing tactics with their handlers during the three days of attacks in which they killed at least 195 people. The claims threaten further to embitter relations between the two nuclear powers. Tensions have been high since confirmation that the only captured gunman was a 21-year-old Pakistani. It has
