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Tag "Jewish organ traffickers"

Kosovo organ trafficking: Williamson to head EU probe

In the meantime, the EU is investigating the other “democratic” US/NATO ally in the Mediterranean region: the KLA and its leader, Hashim Thaci for, of all things, Israeli-style organ trafficking.  Just like the Israelis harvested organs from their Palestinian victims, the Kosovo Albanians harvested organs from their Serbian victims. The report was based on a two-year investigation led by special rapporteur Dick Marty, and it named Mr Thaci – who

The Missing Link In Palestinian Organ Theft?

By Jonathan Cook for Information Clearing House Nazareth: The hyperventilating by Israel’s leaders [1] over a story published in a Swedish newspaper last month [2] suggesting that the Israeli army assisted in organ theft from Palestinians has distracted attention from the disturbing allegations made by Palestinian families that were the basis of the article’s central claim. The families’ fears that relatives, killed by the Israeli army, had body parts removed

¿Israel está detrás del tráfico global de riñones?

(please click here for a rough machine translation into English by Google language) Alfredo Jalife-Rahme para la Jornada Desde hace más de una década era sabido en los informados círculos médicos y penales el financiamiento por Israel de transplantes de órganos en otros países de forma clandestina mediante una extensa red criminal, como confesó Geldaya Tauber Gady, alto oficial retirado del ejército israelí, ante un tribunal de Brasil: el gobierno
