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Tag "Jundullah"

Iran arrests Jundullah leader, Abdolmalek Rigi (UPDATED)

Press TV reports: Abdolmalek Rigi, ringleader of the Pakistan-based terrorist group of Jundallah, was captured in an operation on Tuesday. Reports say Rigi was captured on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan. Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar told reporters that Rigi was arrested outside the country as he was preparing for a new act of sabotage. The minister added that he was consequently transferred to Iran. Zahedan Prosecutor Mohammad Marzieh

Pakistan will extradite US-backed terrorists to Iran

Press TV reports: Pakistan, Iran agree on Jundullah’s fate Tehran says members of the Jundullah terrorist group taken into custody in Pakistan may be extradited to Iran as early as next week. “We are currently discussing the matter with the Pakistani government and there is a possibility that the terrorists will be turned over to Iran in the coming week,” caretaker Interior Minister, Mehdi Hashemi told reporters on Saturday. Hashemi
