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Tag "kerry"

The US, Russia and SYRIA SitRep by Cat Motya, September 27, 2016

So… A few boring pieces about the future, because a few important moments came to realization. Considering these important moments, we will post some forecasts foretelling the future, but only in brief, because some of the points need separate explanations. Since we collectively are not experts in anything, and absolutely not specialists in geopolitics, it means we can’t write nonsense, but only boring, true and correct prognoses and analyses of

Kerry’s “here is our evidence” moment: imperial hubris at its most pathological and compulsive

I took the time to listen to the full “here is our evidence” press statement by Kerry (full transcript here).  This was a very discouraging experience.  The bottom line is this: it appears quasi certain that the Americans will attack Syria essentially because “we are America” and because “its just gotta be Assad who did it”.  Imperial hubris at its most pathological and compulsive.It is also rather clear that the
