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Tag "kpfk"

Saker’s Jan. 12th interview with Bonnie Faulkner – transcript

This is Guns and Butter. Andrei Raevsky, The Saker: I think it’s a person who is an Israel Firster, very, very strong Zionist ideological bent, definitely puts Israel above the United States for sure. Secondly, I would say people who truly believe in violence and force as a way to solve every conflict, people who have no use for diplomacy – internally or externally, for that matter. A messianic ideology,

“A Firefighter, A Demolition Expert, and an Architect Look at Ground-Zero”

My favorite radio show host (Bonnie Faulkner) host yet another highly interesting discussion on my favorite US radio station (KPFK 94.1 in San Francisco) in her weekly show Guns and Butter, this time with with firefighter and founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Erik Lawyer; controlled demolition expert, Tom Sullivan; and architect and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage. You can listen or download the show
