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Tag "LeDahu"

Russian Shipyards: An overview

by Nat South for The Saker Blog Part 1 Part 2 This is the third part of a series of analyses relating to Russia transport, shipping and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The existing and future strategic role of shipbuilding in Russia is not to be under-estimated despite the prevailing dominance of Asian shipyards. Currently, Russia faces a series of obstacles in relation to the overall development

Eastern Mediterranean Naval SITREP

by LeDahu for The Saker Blog The last couple weeks in the Eastern Mediterranean could remind a casual observer of some sort of a military parade, with members of the US-led coalition bringing an ever increasing number of military assets to the region. The number of warships flying various flags being dispatched as a show of force to the Eastern Mediterranean has been increasing on a daily basis. The warships

Naval Eastern Med after Sept 17 SITREP

Note by The Saker: normally, I would place a SITREP in the SITREP section, but since this event has so many people fired up and since Le Dahu provides such an interesting analysis, I have decide to post this as a “Guest Analysis”. ******* After the Saker’s latest analysis on Putin, Israel and the downed Il-20, I decided to put fingers to keyboard to type out this sitrep of sorts.

Naval Eastern Med SITREP

by LeDahu for the Saker blog The US and Russia are now closer to a direct collision between their military forces than at any time since the Cold War. The world anxiously waits to see what the US has on the table, in the way of military options. A quick tour of the situation as it stands, using OSINT sources, of what has happened over the last couple of days.

Part 3 – Submarine rescue ships with the Russian Navy

by Le Dahu for The Saker Blog   I’m writing at the same time as an international search for the Argentine submarine, ARA ‘San Juan’, is underway. Last reported 250km off the coast of Patagonia, the ‘San Juan’, a German built TR-1700 Class, was already 48 hrs overdue, when the naval authorities made a public announcement. This comes when in the previous week, Russian Navy divers, have managed a dive

NAVAL BRIEF 03 November 22nd, 2016 by LeDahu

Maybe I was slightly overenthusiastic last week and with hindsight I should held back the brief by a day, but the crystal ball didn’t function correctly that day.   After much anticipated media talk about when the Russian fleet off Syria would go into action, it finally got deadly serious on the 15th Nov.  I am not going to dwell much on the bigger picture of what this means for the
