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Tag "Lilia Shumkova"

Virtual Ukrainian invasion virtually imminent

By Lilia Shumkova for the Saker blog UPDATE: This article has been finished and ready to be emailed to The Saker, when the news coming from the government of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics confirmed my observations expressed here. In my extensive library of e-books, there is a book by Reese Erlich titled Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect. The book outlines the

An aftermath of Washington Post – Zelensky interview

by Lilia Shumkova for the Saker blog On December 8, 2021, days before Russia presented to the U.S. its Draft of the proposed Treaty between The United States of America and the Russian Federation on security guarantees, foreign Secretary of the UK Liz Truss held talks with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in the UK-Ukraine Strategic Dialogue platform. After the talk, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

USA SITREP: FBI indicted Russian trombone player as a “GRU hacker”

By Lilia Shumkova, a Moscow based independent journalist, for The Saker Blog A federal grand jury sitting in the Western District of the US state of Pennsylvania without citing any laws domestic or international, basing it’s decision purely on an opaque act of “violation of accepted norms” indited six Russian citizens. All six, as the FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich claims, are Russian military intelligence officers and their “crimes” go
