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Tag "Lithuania"

Poland and Lithuania Are Ready to ‘Take Back’ Belorussian Lands (Anna Sochina)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leonya. Hello dear friends, once again Anna Sochina is with you. You may accuse me of a biased attitude towards Poland and the Baltic states. I often criticize them in my releases. Firstly, these republics often throw such performances that one cannot just walk by. And secondly, there is food for discussion in view of the events in Belorussia. Because no matter how much

Lithuania Brings Out Payable Food Stamps, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions. The malicious witch Zrada (defeat), who is circling, and not keeping the Russophobes out of sight from the post-Soviet space, is once again plotting trickery. This time, the Lithuanians got it, who had “completed the Euro integration” to the ration cards. When the combined choir of the Russian liberals performs an aria about the “horrors of Stalinism”
