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Tag "Macedonia"

Special Report on the escalating situation in Macedonia

by “S.P.” Before, I write anything else, I would first call on you not to turn this into another “it’s not Macedonia – it’s FRYOM” thing. This feud about a name should be the last of your worries now, whether you are a Greek or Macedonian. So, everybody calm down. I’m just used to name Macedonia and I have no personal opinion on that issue. By now the majority here

Macedonian government collapses

(thanks to AA for this contribution) reports: 12 March 2008 Skopje The Democratic Party of Albanians, DPA, the key Albanian partner in the ruling centre-right coalition lead by VMRO-DPMNE, is leaving government, the party leader told media Wednesday. Menduh Taci explained that the party leadership will confirm its decision by the end of the day. The move comes after Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE head Nikola Gruevski previously rejected a
