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Tag "Media. Peter Lavelle"

CrossTalk: Vault 7

    Mar 10, 2017 Wikileaks strikes again. On full display are the CIA’s spy tools and methods. Snowden provided a briefing book on U.S. surveillance, but the CIA leaks could provide the blueprints. And your Samsung TV and iPhone are a big part of this. CrossTalking with Larry Johnson, Suzanne Nossel, and Patrick Henningsen.

Crosstalk: The Media’s Syria

Published on Sep 23, 2016 Conflicting narratives and competing agendas – this is the tragedy of the Syrian conflict. Western media coverage is focused on forcing political outcomes. In the process, the truth is often overlooked and even denied. Another casualty of war. CrossTalking with Jonathan Steele, Scott Bennett, and Daniel Lazare.
