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Tag "Mohammad Marandi"

Rania Khalek interviews Prof. Seyed Mohammad Marandi on JPCOA

This video describes the status of the negotiations on the JPCOA but is broader than that.  It also demonstrates how the USA negotiates. 0:00 Intro 1:20 What has been achieved, why hasn’t there been a restoration of the nuclear deal yet? 9:02 US and Europe want to keep sanctions in place 16:36 Who is being constructive vs obstructing the talks? 20:25 Why should Iran even resume talks? 29:10 Does Iran

Prof. Mohammad Marandi: Interviewed by Aaron Maté – JPCOA

Seyed Mohammad Marandi: Professor at the University of Tehran and adviser to the Iran delegation at talks on restoring the JCPOA in Vienna. At the Vienna talks on restoring the Iran nuclear deal, the US and EU are accusing Iran of refusing to compromise. Mohammad Marandi, a University of Tehran professor advising the Iran delegation in Vienna, says that the compromise was the nuclear deal itself, and the problem is
