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Tag "Montenegro"

Europe’s last not-so-comic opera dictatorship

by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog A hundred years ago, at the mention of Montenegro word association would most likely have linked it with Franz Lehar’s lighthearted operetta “The Merry Widow”. In the rather transparent libretto, an American millionairess arrives in a tiny, mountainous European statelet and begins flirting with the crown prince, suggestively named Danilo. Disrespectful allusions were strewn all over the otherwise delightful musical production, so much

Djukanovic to be Jailed after Montenegro Joins NATO

By Ion Todescu for the Dracula Blog Montenegro, the small Balkan state, is once again in the center of public attention now. In fact, the same man has been ruling that country since 1991 as the Prime Minister, the President and the Prime Minister again. He’s often called the last dictator in Europe; corruptionist and mafioso are his other names. Let me introduce to you Milo Djukanovic, the Prime Minister

How U.S. and EU Manipulate Public Consciousness: Montenegro

By Ion Todescu I’ve been working on this post for a long time, meticulously collecting scraps of information piece by piece to give you a comprehensive picture. It is well known that the U.S. employs a sophisticated network of non-governmental organizations to manipulate public consciousness in multiple countries across the world. NGOs also play a key role in preparing color revolutions. These last months I’ve been closely following the events
