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Tag "Mousavi"

Interesting news about Mubarak and Mousavi

Russian TV is reporting that according to unnamed sources Mubarak is now in a coma.  As soon as I heard that, I began suspecting that he was killed by somebody in the security or military.  Indeed, on Thursday evening he categorically refused to leave power, and yet he stepped down the very next day, though unlike all the other announcement which he delivered personally, this one was delivered by Suleiman. 

Gucci leader open letter to the Iranian people

Found on the FOX News website: The following is the translated text of a letter purportedly from Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi to the Iranian people, posted on Sunday. ——————————— My Fellow Compatriots, From all over the country complaints of irregularities of this election have reached me. I am confident that this outpour of complaint is being sent not because of me but because of a concern that

Gucci leader open letter to the Iranian people

Found on the FOX News website: The following is the translated text of a letter purportedly from Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi to the Iranian people, posted on Sunday. ——————————— My Fellow Compatriots, From all over the country complaints of irregularities of this election have reached me. I am confident that this outpour of complaint is being sent not because of me but because of a concern that

Why was Mousavi allowed to run?

I am coming back to one of the points I made yesterday – the issue of why a person like Mousavi was ever allowed to run. In the comments section of my previous article on the elections in Iran, altigerrrr make a very good point that the Guardian Council could not prevent Mousavi from running because he is a reformist. I understand that, but that is not quite what I

Musings on yesterday’s elections in Iran

Let me begin my saying that I did not follow the campaigns of the four contenders to the post of President of Iran very closely. Nor did I carefully scrutinize their electoral platform. I did have a vague preference for anyone the West would consider a “moderate” (an utterly nonsensical concept) if only because it would make a military aggression on Iran by Israel and/or the USA harder to sell,
