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Tag "Musharraf"

Musharraf-Barak meeting ‘shameful’

Press TV reports: Pakistan’s United Council of Action has criticized President Pervez Musharraf for meeting Israeli war minister Ehud Barak in France. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Senator Khurshid Ahmed, the council’s parliamentary leader, termed the meeting a violation of Pakistan’s principled position and said it tarnished the country’s image in the Arab and Islamic world. It is deplorable that President Musharraf invited Israeli minister to his hotel room

Pakistani Islamists demonstrate against Musharraf Islamists stage rally against Musharraf

By SADAQAT JAN Hundreds of Islamists chanting slogans against Pakistan’s military leader rallied outside the Supreme Court on Friday as judges heard petitions challenging President Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s right to run for re-election. Musharraf, meanwhile, appointed a new intelligence chief and promoted five other army generals in a shake-up just days after signaling he would resign from the military if he wins a new five-year term as president. Opposition parties,

Amy Goodman interviews Ahmed Rashid from Lahore

Ahmed Rashid was interviewed by phone from Lahore, Pakistan, by Amy Goodman for DemocracyNow!. Ahmed Rashid is a Pakistani journalist based in Lahore. He is author of three books including “Taliban” and most recently “Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia.” He has covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia for the past 25 years and writes for the Far Eastern Economic Review, the Daily Telegraph, and The Wall

Pakistani dictator escapes assassination attempt (again)

(Reuters) – Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf’s plane was fired on as it took off on Friday from a military airfield in Rawalpindi, an intelligence officer said. Musharraf’s plane arrived safely in the southwestern town of Turbat, where the president visited flood victims. The military initially denied there had been any attack. General Musharraf came to power in a military coup in 1999 and enraged Pakistani militant groups by abandoning support
