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Tag "Myanmar"

Burmese Days, Revisited

By Pepe Escobar with permission and cross posted with Strategic Culture Foundation It will be fascinating to watch how the (Dis)United States will deal with post-coup Myanmar as part of their 24/7 “containment of China” frenzy. The (jade) elephant in the elaborate room housing the military coup in Myanmar had to be – what else – China. And the Tatmadaw – the Myanmar Armed Forces – knows it better than

Kadyrov in Chechnya vs. Soros in Myanmar

by Scott Humor Everyone else got it wrong, and that’s why you should only read and our partners. Let’s start with a hypothetical scenario. A supra-national intergovernmental criminal organization called the Deep State runs a militarized intelligence agency called the CIA. They make money the way street thugs do. Only instead of ambushing individuals, they attack, ambush, rape, pillage and loot entire countries.  Their ambush operations against any doomed

The Russian-Chinese-Indian Strategic Convergence In Myanmar – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The Southeast Asian state of Myanmar is beleaguered by creeping threats that risk returning the country to the dark days of full-scale civil war. Neighboring powers India and China have no interest in seeing this scenario, as such an event would spoil the role that they expect a stable Myanmar to fill vis-à-vis their strategic vision for the country. In what makes for tragic irony, however, their
