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Tag "Nativity"

Celebrating the Nativity

Dear friends, I will be taking a few days off, from Thursday until Sunday evening, to attend church services at my parish.  God willing, I should be back at the keyboard by Monday.  On this occasion I will leave you with some beautiful Orthodox singing for the Nativity. I wish all those who celebrate the Nativity a peaceful and joy-filled celebration! Christ is born! Glorify Him! Andrei

St Gregory Palamas: Homily on the Holy Nativity

On the Saving Nativity According to the Flesh of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ This is the Festival of the virgin birth! Our address must be exalted therefore in accordance with the greatness of the feast, and enter into the mystery, as far as this is accessible and permissible, and time allows, that something of its inner power might be revealed even to us. Please strive, brethren,
