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Tag "NATO encirclement of Russia"

NATO at war and other statistical marvels

by Scott Humor NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session, Tbilisi, 26-29 May 2017 “The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi is a historic and a strategic place in the Caucasus region, which gave the country an opportunity to be a connecting hub between the West and the East Unfortunately, our progress is not a pleasant development in the region for some, like the Russian Federation. Moscow has militarily violated Georgia’s territorial sovereignty and

Speech of Lavrov at the Military Academy of the General Staff

  Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during a lecture for senior officers of the Military Academy of the General Staff, Moscow, March 23, 2017 23 March 201714:21 For English subtitles click the ‘cc’ button on the bottom right.   Mr Kuralenko, Comrade officers, colleagues, friends, I am grateful for the invitation to speak at the Military Academy as part of the Army and Society series

Russia, EU and NATO SITREP January 11th, 2017 by Scott Humor

In the first ten days of the new year we see the conflicts from 2016 getting worse. Russian bloggers wish the Westerners a Happy New Year and… a happy Russophobia in 2017: An interesting essay by Sergey Vasiliev reflects the general mood. The following is a boiled-down version. An offer “Die!” is the only consistent offer that “civilized” Europe has ever formulated for its Eastern neighbor. It was formed in

Russian President Vladimir Putin Joint press conference of with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras

  Following the Russian-Greek talks, Vladimir Putin and Alexis Tsipras made a joint statement for the press. May 27, 2016  Athens Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras (retranslated): I would like to welcome once again President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. President Putin’s visit today after so many years concludes a series of contacts and meetings at the highest level that took place over the last year and that mark a new beginning in our bilateral relations. This meeting is part of the reciprocal Year of Culture between Russia and Greece,

Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Historically, Russia’s big wheels turn slowly, almost invisible to the naked eye, but they do turn and grind anything getting between them into fine dust. On November 24th something extraordinary has happened, the big wheels of Russian bureaucracy moved with a pace of an Olympic sprinter banned by IAAF. Keeping fingers crossed, maybe we witness a new age of the Russian statehood, when things that need to be done get

The Self-fulfilling Threat: why the NATO arms stockpiles are a danger to Eastern Europe

Original article: Translated by Timofey The mechanics of threat escalation from many types of arms have been explored a long time ago. In particular, the establishment of new NATO weaponry stockpiles and military vehicle storage sites in Eastern Europe poses the greatest threat to Eastern Europe itself. Above all, it raises the likelihood of it being struck, with those strikes being forced by the presence of these weapons. The
