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The Black Sea Development Navy Brief 2/18 February 2018

by LeDahu for the Saker Blog   Unprecedented show of power projection by the US Navy with 2 Arleigh Burke class DDGs now deployed in the Black Sea.  The USS ‘Carney’ (DDG 64), on 17 February joined the USS ‘Ross’ (DDG 71) in the Black Sea “to conduct maritime security operations.” LINK #USSCarney🇺🇸 transited #Bosphorus🇹🇷 to join #USSRoss for routine maritime security operations IAW int'l law. C6F Commander VADM Grady

Navy Brief 1/18 January 2018

by LeDahu The UK politicians and senior military officers at the helm of defence these days, seem to excel at outpourings of Russian scaremongering soundbites, which the UK MSM are too willing to relay, without any discussion or any criticism. I’m kind of wondering if there isn’t something in the water in Whitehall, that has led to a rash of anti-Russian outbursts of late. The UK media readily amplified the

Navy Brief 10/17 May 9th 2017 St Petersburg Naval Parade

by LeDahu   The case of the disappearing ships. The Russian Navy arrived in St Petersburg, moored on the river Neva, in preparation for the 9 May Victory Day, on the evening of the 3rd May (Video) #ВИДЕО: Военные #корабли вошли в Неву #Петербург — Пятый канал Новости (@5tv) May 3, 2017 Including the submarine “Kolpino” and the corvette “Urengoy” at night. This was followed by the “Zelenodolsk”, and

Naval Brief NB 09/17 May 4th 2017

by LeDahu   Part 1- Brief Background on naval developments with North Korea  (DPRK) & South Korea, (ROK) South Korea staged a large-scale land & air exercises last week. On 29, DPRK carried out a ballistic missile launch test, that lasted for approximately 15mins. It appeared to have failed according to ROK news agency Yonhap. At the same time, (bear in mind that there is no President of ROK at

Naval Brief NB. 08/17 April 25th 2017 by LeDahu

Opener As part of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in Moscow, Russian defence minister Shoigu said on 21 April that “the frigates will be the main combat ships of the Navy.” The Russian navy commander, Adm Vladimir Korolev, in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda” outlined the scale of the presence of the Russian fleet on the world’s oceans. The US Navy and others in West Pacific First, let’s just put

“Reports of war” Naval Brief NB 06/17 April 13, 2017 by LeDahu

The West is currently playing a game of brinkmanship with Russia over Syria, based on the “fast and loose” principle it seems. The US Navy – eastern Mediterranean  “We prepositioned forces (the 2 US Navy ships) so that if there was an order received we could have that quick response.” US  senior defense official. This deployment of the 2 closest US warships in the eastern Med, would have not gone

Syria US missile strike Naval Brief NB 05/17 April 08, 2017 by LeDahu

Another Naval Brief- an update, only because it seems that at times, when a Brief gets published, something spectacular happens shortly afterwards.   US destroyers “USS Ross” (DDG 71) & “USS Porter”, (DDG 78)     were the US Navy warships that launched Tomahawk strikes at the Shayrat airbase in the Homs region of Syria. Yet, more than half did not reach their targets. In a nutshell, $88.5m worth of

NAVAL BRIEF 03 November 22nd, 2016 by LeDahu

Maybe I was slightly overenthusiastic last week and with hindsight I should held back the brief by a day, but the crystal ball didn’t function correctly that day.   After much anticipated media talk about when the Russian fleet off Syria would go into action, it finally got deadly serious on the 15th Nov.  I am not going to dwell much on the bigger picture of what this means for the

NAVAL BRIEF 02 November 14th, 2016 by LeDahu

Part 1 – The Russian navy modernisation program “I would like to emphasize that we have commissioned 42 warships in the past three years, from 2013 to 2016. From 2016 to 2018 we are planning to commission more than 50 warships,” Russian naval CINC, Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said. Read more With only an estimated 48% of the Russian military has been modernised so far, it is certain that the Russian Navy is lagging behind. An interview with retired Deputy
