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Tag "New Russian Weapons"

Exceeded expectations: the Turks tested the S-400

Russian S-400s tested in Turkey Translated by Scott Hunor Source: The Turks counted on the high combat qualities of the Russian s-400 anti-aircraft missile system and the complexes exceeded their expectations, despite the fact that their flyby program in its saturation and intensity exceeded similar Russian drills. After the delivery of the first regimental set of anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 Triumph to Turkey, they have already been tested

Russia works on new missile that deactivates all enemy weapons

Pravda reports: Russia continues surprising the West with new weapons. According to recent reports, Russian engineers develop a jammer missile called Alabuga. Rumor has it that this weapon will be able to completely neutralize enemy without even opening fire at its forces. This weapon produces a very strong radio electric impact, the power of which is comparable to the power of a nuclear explosion. The missile can literally disable all
