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Tag "OPCW. official statement"

Douma false flag ‘attack’ witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO)

  Video starts at 1:10   Ruptly’s description: Russia’s Representatives of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) hold a press conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in The Hague on Thursday, April 26. Two witnesses, 11 year-old Hassan Diab and his father, are expected to be present in order to present evidence for claims that the suspected April 7 Douma chemical attack was staged. Douma ‘attack’ witnesses

Statement of A.Shulgin at the OPCW EC

Mr. Chairperson, I would like to start my speech with the words that belong to the great thinker Martin Luther, “A lie is like a snowball: the further you roll it, the bigger it becomes”. This wise aphorism is fully applicable to politics. He who has chosen the path of deception will have to lie again and again, making up explanations for discrepancies, spreading disinformation and doing forgery, desperately using
