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Tag "opinion poll"

MUST WATCH: Strelkov vs Starikov debate

MUST WATCH: a very high quality debate between Igor Strelkov and Nikolai Starikov. Most Russians views did say that Strelkov won the debate. I completely disagree. What do you think?     A HUGE THANK YOU to all those who translated and subtitled this most interesting confrontation between two good and very intelligent men! Translation: Shurik, DzhMM, Eugenia Production: Marina & Augmented Ether   Your turn to vote now: Who

What was the real nationality of the “Ukie” soldier?

Since you asked for it, here is a very informal poll just for entertainment purposes to let you guess the true nationality of the “Ukie” solider recently seen in Mariupol: (FYI, my vote: UK)   What was the real nationality of the “Ukie” soldier? USA UK Canada Australia New Zealand Ireland Other? free polls     [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments
