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Tag "Paris"

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016 When good Americans die, they go to Paris.  said Oscar Wilde. Paris is also the place where good Africans and Arabs come to survive after good Americans and French destroyed their countries, their way of life, their healthcare and education systems, their governments, their homes, roads and water supplies. In Russia it’s called Ukrainization of Europe. It’s an old  tried-and-true method to

Like with MH17 in Ukraine EgyptAir Flight MS804 crash is prequential to the US war on Egypt, by Scott

The US State Secretary John Kerry traveled on Wednesday May 18th to the presidential palace in Egypt.  In news “The US secretary of state has held talks with the Egyptian president in Cario on the country’s political situation and peace proposals for the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Translating from the political doublespeak into English: The US and Israel tried to push Egypt to drop its support for the upcoming
