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Tag "Press TV"

Israeli forces will be annihilated if they dare attack Lebanon, warns Nasrallah

Press TV reports: The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has cautioned the Tel Aviv regime against launching a new military aggression against his country, stressing that “Israeli forces will be destroyed” in such a case.   Addressing his supporters via a televised speech broadcast live from the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Thursday evening, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah dismissed the possibility of a new Israeli war on Lebanon this summer, describing such

Saudi plan to assassinate General Soleimani, NY Times reveals

Press TV reports: Saudi Major General Ahmed al-Assiri, who has allegedly been fired over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, took part at a meeting in Riyadh in 2017 that involved plans to assassinate the kingdom’s “determined enemy,” Iran’s Major General Qassem Soleimani, as well as sabotaging Iran’s economy, The New York Times reports, citing three sources familiar with the matter. The March 2017 meeting in Riyadh brought together businessmen that

Is anybody at Press TV or al-Manar paying attention?

Interesting story this morning on the BBC: it appears that some unidentified “nation state” has put huge efforts into creating a sophisticated worm with “incredible amount of code” “probably targeting “high value” infrastructure in Iran”.  Read the full BBC story here; its confirmed by NZZ here and here in English.  The key sentence in the BBC report is this:” it infects Windows machines via USB keys“. That’s right, this super-dooper-worm

France implicated in Hariri murder case

Press TV reports: A witness who gave false testimony in the case of the murder of the former Lebanese premier says France had provided him with a forged passport to help him get away with perjury. A report by the Volatairenet website said that France had provided Mohammed Zuhair Siddiq — the key witness in the case of Rafiq Hariri’s murder — with a forged passport to grant him immunity

Where to get information about the war on Gaza

Both al-Jazeera and Press TV have been making a very commendable effort to cover the Israeli war on Gaza and both stations are streaming live in English 24/7. They have also created a special page on their websites for those interested in following the events on the ground: Press TV “Gaza under fire“Al-Jazeera “War on Gaza“ The Isreali newspaper Ha’aretz also regularly publishes very interesting analytical pieces. That’s all I

The USraelian empire lauches a massive covert operations campaign in preparation for a war on Iran

Press TV reports: US President George W. Bush has reportedly authorized a covert operation to set the stage for a military offensive against Iran. According to Counterpunch magazine, President Bush signed a secret finding in March authorizing a covert offensive against Iran, which those familiar with its contents believe to be ‘unprecedented in its scope’. Actions permitted under the secret directive include ‘the assassination of targeted officials’ along with operations

Obama, the Lobby and the kid-hanging rabbi

Two rather interesting, if unrelated, reports from PRESS TV this morning: Obama slammed for anti-Israeli advisor US Presidential nominee Barack Obama has come under fire over his anti-Israeli national campaign co-chairman, Gen. Merrill Tony McPeak. An inquiry by conservative American media outlets reveals that McPeak, who is also Obama’s military advisor, is a longtime anti-Israel critic who slammed American Zionists for acting against US interests. In an interview with The

Three news items from the BBC (updated)

This morning I woke up the following three news items on the BBC website: First, the Imperial High Command continues with its policy of blaming Iran for its defeat in Iraq. Second, the “only democracy in the Middle-East” has sentenced one of its citizens to six months in jail for speaking with the foreign press. Third, Iran has lauched a 24 hour TV news channel in English (with an well
