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Tag "presstitutes"

Blame and Forget, Truth be Damned

by JiminNH It has become a common occurrence for the western ruling elites, and their propaganda ministries of the mainstream media euphemistically called the “free press”, to immediately blame Russia for a litany of perceived misconduct, whether there are grounds for such allegations or not. Often such baseless allegations are conflated with other events in the western narrative to give the allegations an aura of credibility and convince the western

Mark Sleboda vs a typical BBC Presstitute

Dear Mark,I want to use this opportunity to send you a sincere big bear of a hug!  Your replies were perfect.  I also want to express here my admiration for your restraint.  We both know that for you and I each death, each person wounded in this ugly war is a wound on our soul, but for that BBC presstitute it’s just an opportunity to make yet another snide comments
