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Tag "Qatar"

Geopolitical Standoff In Post-ISIS Middle East If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: As the ISIS terrorist group is collapsing in Syria and Iraq, the competition among powers involved in the conflict increases. In March, Moscow and Astana become the main centers of the diplomatic activity with top leaders from Israel, Turkey,

Qatar Crisis: Origins and Consequences If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: The current crisis surrounding Qatar represents the most severe conflict among Gulf Arab states since the end of the Cold War. While these oil-rich, autocratic OPEC members have historically been at the most allies of convenience united by common

World SITREP June 09 2017

by Baaz   Regional armed conflicts Information Terror Political Economic Religions   regional armed conflicts / regime changes The Middle East Last three days in Russia On June 8 – Bogdanov,a Deputy Foreign Minister, met with an ambassador of Lebanon On June 8 Bogdanov met with an Ambassador of Bahrain Same day he met with the Ambassador of the Saudi Arabia Same day de Mistura came to Moscow to meet

Qatar Unplugged

by Ghassan Kadi When Qatar received its independence from Britain in 1971, its population was a meagre 100,000. Fifty years or so later, its population has ballooned to nearly 2.2 million, but only 275,000 are actual Qataris. The rest are not migrants, they are not going to be integrated in the population as fully fledged citizens, they are simply hired expats on contracts, performing different tasks, and when they finish

Le grand chemin vers Jérusalem : le Hamas trahit l’Iran et la Syrie

De Fida Dakroub pour Global Research Généralités Lorsque l’émir du Qatar, Hamad, fut arrivé à Gaza, à la tête d’une importante délégation comprenant son épouse, Moza, et son premier ministre, Hamad – celui-ci un cheikh non pas un émir –, il fut accueilli par le chef du gouvernement du Hamas, Ismaïl Haniyeh, qui eut organisé une cérémonie officielle grandiose pour l’occasion. Les deux hommes se tinrent côte à côte pendant

Russia, Iran and Qatar to form an organization of gas-exporting countries similar to OPEC

Press TV reports: The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, has defended the formation of an organization of gas-exporting countries similar to OPEC. Iranian Oil Minister Gholam-Hossein Nozari, his Qatari counterpart Abdulla Bin Hamad al-Attiya and the head of Russia’s Gazprom, Alexei Miller, had a Tuesday meeting in Tehran in which the three countries vowed to seriously pursue the formation of an OPEC-like gas group. Lavrov told journalists on Wednesday that
