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Tag "quick Ukraine update"

Europe Recognized Ukraine As a Safe Country, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   While various clowns that imitate “Svidomo” (Ukr. – “national conscious”) politics sing the anthem of Ukraine in the PACE, and in the same place perform the Nazi salute, the European bureaucrats are steadily bending their line. This line is to isolate the Ukrainian “patriotic” abscess, the creation of which was supported by the same European Union.

Quick update on Debaltsevo

Couple of things: The evacuation of civilians basically failed. First, the buses got stuck and had to wait due to nearby mortar shelling, then only 3 buses (out of 20) were filled with refugees, nobody else wanted to leave and, considering the risks, I don’t blame them. This is a terrible thing to say, but not boarding these buses today was the prudent thing to do (today, the junta forces
