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Tag "Refugee crisis in the EU"

Germany SITREP February 6th, by C.

In a sick twist, now that the Trump-bashing Steinmeier has been promoted from foreign minister to head of state, his former position goes to Sigmar Gabriel. Who has insulted Trump even more gravely (as reported in my last sitrep). Gabriel is a pathetic loser. Under his leadership the SPD has become a shadow of its former self. (In 1990 the SPD had close to a million members, today not even

Immigrant Crisis: Facts, Myth or Plot?

by Brainstorm The designed, created and carefully articulated immigrant flow to Europe, generating one of the biggest crises in after the Cold War as the byproduct of US waged wars in the Middle East, is rolling out according to the already written screenplay. As the pretext for rising extreme right sectors within the EU boundaries, revival of nationalism, racism and fascism, dramatic changes to European societies bring to the reality

A few disjointed thoughts on the events in Cologne

Dear friends, What I want to share with you today is most definitely not a comprehensive analysis of the events which took place recently in Germany, but rather a few unconnected thoughts and memories we came to my mind when I heard about what had happened.  So here we go. First, the figures are staggering: according to Russian sources there have been over 700 hundred assaults in Cologne, 40% of
