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Tag "Rogozin"

Rogozin: Bioweapons Developed in Ukraine Affect the Reproductive System of Russian Women

Original Article: Translated with and slightly corrected Rogozin: Bioweapons Developed in Ukraine Affect the Reproductive System of Russian Women Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin said on March 21 in his Telegram channel that the bioweapons being developed in Ukraine, work on the reproductive system of women, particularly against “the Russian population of Russia, and immunity of “certain ethnic groups.” “These weapons affect both the reproductive function of women of

Dmitri Rogozin interviewed by Vladimir Soloviev

Dear friends,Today, thanks to the fantastic work of the Saker Community [English Transcription & Translation: Marina (Russian Saker), Katya (Oceania Saker) & CG (Russian Saker) Editing & Production: Augmented Ether (Oceania Saker)] I can share with you a most interesting interview of Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Special Envoy of the President and one of the most interesting and influential representatives of the

Russia’s prevailing ideological consensus: sovereignism and anti-capitalism

I thought I had seen in all, from the 100 year ban on homo parades in Moscow to the Pussy Riot circus, but it appears that a new front has opened in the West’s “Free Sex and Blasphemy” crusade against Russia. Under the title Madonna Sued in Russia for Supporting Gays the very serious Wall Street Journal reports the following: MOSCOW—Some Russian activists have sued Madonna for millions of dollars,

Russian envoy to NATO threatens to “reconsider” Russia’s support for NATO in Afghanistan

Dimitri Rogozin,  the official Russian top envoy to NATO (and who is also one of the most interesting Russian public figures), has just declared that Russia is considering revising its support for NATO operations in Afghanistan.  This is a direct consequence of the US decision to deploy an anti-missile system along the Russian border in Europe. And since Pakistan has decided to close down (probably for a limited time) the

Washington’s Hypocrisy

By Dmitry Rogozin for the International Herald Tribune The U.S. administration is trying to stick the label of “bad guy” on Russia for exceeding the peacekeeping mandate and using “disproportionate force” in the peace-enforcement operation in Georgia. Maybe our American friends have gone blind and deaf at the same time. Mikheil Saakashvili, the president of Georgia, is known as a tough nationalist who didn’t hide his intentions of forcing Ossetians
