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Tag "Ron Paul"

Ron Paul sells out to the Zionist Lobby

Business insider reports: Ron Paul Shocks Campaign Staff With New Position On Israel Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul revealed this week that he would support moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a surprising position that contradicts conventional wisdom about Paul’s stance toward the Jewish state. Paul first made this position known Wednesday night, during a private meeting with evangelical leaders interested in helping the Texas Congressman reach out

Ron Paul’s economics: a very toxic brew indeed

It appears that Ron Paul did well in the Iowa caucuses tonight.  On one hand, I am rather delighted by this, but on the other, I am also very concerned that a lot of people are seeing only one side of Ron Paul’s ideology.  There is, however, a much darker side to Ron Paul, one which we all must have the courage and intellectual honesty to look at and not

Check out how Jewish Democrats meddle in the *Republican* race

Check out what I found in my email box today: ——- Dear NJDC Supporter,   Jewish Republicans and Jewish Democrats disagree about so much, but there’s one thing on which we see eye-to-eye: Ron Paul is bad news when it comes to Israel.   The New York Times reported Sunday about some of Paul’s fringe following, which also includes white supremacists and anti-Zionists — and how Paul would “not disavow

An Act Of War – Statement of Congressman Ron Paul

By Congressman Ron Paul via Informationclearinghouse Statement of Congressman Ron Paul – United States House of Representatives Statement on Motion to Instruct Conferees on HR 2194, Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act – April 22, 2010: Mr. Speaker I rise in opposition to this motion to instruct House conferees on HR 2194, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, and I rise in strong opposition again to the

Absolutely brilliant questionning of Petraeus and Crocker by Rep. Ron Paul

As my readers have already noticed, I am rather angry at Rep. Ron Paul for throwing in the towel in the 2008 election instead of doing what this SOB Lieberman (successfully) did and run as an independent. Still, when I heard Ron Paul’s remarks to Petraeus and Crocker I found myself daydreaming about what a Paul Presidency could have meant to the rest of the world (I am not supportive

Ron Paul throws in the towel (straight in the face of those who believed in him)

Ron Paul has published a message explaining that he is giving up the race. Sure, he declares his determination to “fight on”, but without a national campaign staff; he wants to focus on his constituents in his home district whom he declares unwilling to “let down”, unlike the rest of his supporters, I suppose. Here is the most important part of Ron Paul’s statement: “Of course, I am committed to

Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution!

by Naomi Wolf It’s not every day that there is something concrete you can do to save democracy in one powerful stroke and make sure your kids don’t come of age in an American in which we are no longer protected by the rule of law. I have been writing about the terrifying and precipitous assault on our liberties and our very system of checks and balances; I have crossed

Ron Paul on US policies towards Cuba

Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars by Rep. Ron Paul Since Raul Castro seems to be transitioning to a more permanent position of power, the administration has begun talking about Cuba policy again. One would think we would be able to survey the results of the last 45 years and come to logical conclusions. Changing course never seems to be an option, however, no matter how futile or

Support the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007

by Rep. Ron Paul I am introducing a comprehensive piece of legislation to restore the American Constitution and to restore the liberties that have been sadly eroded over the past several years. This legislation seeks to restore the checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers to prevent abuse of Americans by their government. This proposed legislation would repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and re-establish

Ron Paul introduces the ‘American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007’ to the House

H.R. 3835: To restore the Constitution’s checks and balances and protections against government abuses as envisioned by the Founding Fathers Bill Status Introduced: Oct 15, 2007 Sponsor: Rep. Ronald Paul [R-TX] Status: Introduced Go to Bill Status Page Introduced in House: This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration. Text of Legislation HR 3835 IH 110th
