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Tag "Rusian Ostashko"

Ukraine and Georgia publicly humiliated at the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott In addition to the impotence of the European Union and the crash of western unity, the coronavirus pandemic also clearly showed that the United Nations long ago became a hostage of political games. After the USA, Britain, the EU and their lackeys blocked the declaration that Russia had proposed, our Permanent Delegation in the UN publicly expressed their contempt to those

 Ukrainians Came Up With Plan to Return Crimea in 3 Easy Steps

 by Ruslan Ostashko Translation and captions by Leo Three steps to “return Crimea” was thought up by a gloomy “Sumerian” genius. [Joke of Ukrainian invented ancient roots.] No, they do not imply a swift msrch of an ‘unbeatable’ Ukrainian Armed Forces through Perekop and Chongar. Everything is much funnier. Checkmate Vatniki! [Ed. – Ukrainian slur for Russians.] This expression was born at the start of Ukrainian crisis by couch-warriors obsessed

The Western propaganda of homosexuality and cannibalism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo     The propaganda of perversions in the West has reached new heights. The British leading sports clubs promote the LGBT “values,” and their scientists drag cannibalism into the category of normal. No matter how much effort is made by the “normal countries” to promote degeneration, it never seems to be enough for them. In the course of pushing the

Ukrainians Upset With the Celebration of the Russian Navy Day in Sevastopol

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine issued a protest against Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Sevastopol. Euro-Ukrainians were so upset because of the celebration of the Navy Day in Sevastopol that they called the Black Sea fleet “occupational”. It’s fun to watch the phantom pains experienced by the bones coast of Svidomo (Ukrainian nationalists) over an actual loss

How Germany Humiliated Ukraine in the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Humor and subtitled by Leo. Irritated by stormy activities of the Euro-Ukrainians, Germany showed it publicly twice in one month. At the beginning of April ‘Ukraine-is-Europe’ supporters complained that the German delegation crashed them in PACE, now it’s the UN’s turn.     Remember how recently ‘Ukro-deputy’ Bereza, or Blyakher according to his real name, squealed that Germans were very arrogant towards the “fighters

Lukashenko Declares a “Gas War” on Russia After Putin’s Free Loan

Lukashenko Declares a “Gas War” on Russia After Putin’s Free Loan by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. A new turn in difficult Russian-Belarusian relations occurred at the end of last week. Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision) announced a ban on the import of apples and pears from Belarus from April 12. In response, Alexander Lukashenko effectively declared a “gas war” on Russia.     In

The Brits Are Delighted With Russian Railways by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. A few months have passed since the end of the World Cup, which our country hosted. In the Western media, enthusiasm from the fans subsided, and the dull anti-Russian propaganda began again. But it is being countered by ordinary foreign tourists. A couple of Britons – Katie and Robbie – started an online report on Twitter from their journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow

Lukashenko asks Putin to accept Belarus as a part of Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Original video Vladimir Putin’s trip to Minsk and closed-door talks, which took unusually long time, attracted attention of many political experts. The president of Russia flew to Belarus on June 19th. On June 22nd, after only a couple of days, Alexander Lukashenko publicly admitted that the republic could become a part of “some state.” So, should we say welcome to the Belarusian Federal

The Americans have found Nazism in the Ukraine, by Ruslan Ostashko

  (Click “CC” for English subtitles) original video   Description: Where have you seen Nazis in the Ukraine? This question to our global neighbours and liberals must now also be posed to American human rights activists. But why have all these NGOs suddenly turned their attention to this problem? Aren’t they undermining Poroshenko? Transcript: The Internet knows a special genre of humour concerning Ukraine. It has no official name, but
