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Tag "Russian TsB and Ruble"

Short update about the Ruble and a great interview of Michael Hudson

The Ruble is slowly climbing back up and is already treading at a much more reasonable rate (with probably more readjustment ahead).  See for yourself: But his happened at a great cost.  See ZeroHedge about this: Also, I would like to highly recommend the analysis of my favorite American economist, Michael Hudson who does a superb job explaining the Russian strategy for the Real News Network:,The Saker

Ruble, Oil, Shale Gas, Derivatives and American Hegemony

by Federico PieracciniThere are two central issues related to the devaluation of the ruble and the dollar depreciation to keep in mind: the preservation of American hegemony and the speculative bubble of derivatives linked to industry of Shale Gas. Without these elements, it is impossible to understand what are the reasons and the consequences of these artificial economic actions. This case must therefore necessarily be addressed from different perspectives, a

Ruble crisis: so far so good

At the latest Russian Government meeting Dmitri Medvedev has announced the Russian authorities are planning no additional measures to stabilize the Ruble as long as the current trend continues.  And, truth be told, so far the measures taken by the Central Bank and the authorities did reverse the trend and the Ruble has been gaining some of what it lost against the Dollar: Dollar/Ruble xrate 17-22 December Of course, there

Crouching sanctions, hidden revenues

by Lev Igorevich  Dollars for borsch There is a lot of speculation about the economic health of Russia in the light of tougher sanctions, falling oil prices and tumbling ruble. Concerns are raised whether Russia can afford it’s existence. However, those concerns are paper thin and are presented in more of a mocking spirit, because in most prediction acrobatics, actual revenues of Russian state are not considered at all. Many

Letter from Diogenes on Interest Rate and Russian Central Bank

by “Diogenes” Preamble: First of all, when I heard of Central Bank decision to increase the rate, I have to admit that number looks suspiciously familiar to me. Yes, I knew Central Bankers manual. If you wish I can send you this That number 17% was used by my professor of macroeconomics who was lectured Central Bank staff consequently. It was in all American books on Macroeconomics, from 80s –

Ruble Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Economic War

by Aleksei Kettunen Translation to English: Petri Krohn Russian ruble exchange rate changes have all the ingredients of success detective story. On Monday, 15.12. 2014 ruble weakened to a record low since 1998: the dollar cost 64 rubles and 79 rubles to the euro. In recent years, the price of an euro has been hanging around 50 rubles, or 5 000 rubles withdrawn from an ATM for a night of

The Russian Central Bank’s “counterattack” lasted 30 mins!

The result of the Russian Central Bank’s hike in interest rates turned out to be worse then my worst nightmares: it reversed the downward spiral of the Ruble for only about half an hour, then the Russian currency resumed its collapse.  Rumor has it that the Central Bank might begin buying Rubles next, which I personally don’t see as useful at this point.I have asked for expert opinions and I
