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Tag "s-400"

Russia deploys S-400 in Syria (UPDATED)

Yup.  I heard the rumor earlier today but I wanted a wait a little to get a confirmation.  Cassad (whom I trust) has just confirmed: Russia has deployed S-400s in Syria: The western “response”? Total panic: Good. Let them panic. The Saker UPDATE: The Russians are now denying these reports.  I go with Cassad.

Will Russia finally agree to deliver S-300/S-400 to Iran? (UPDATED!)

It is often forgotten that what happened to Russia with the French Mistrals is very much a case of bad Karma coming back: just as Russia had already paid France for the Mistrals, so had Iran already paid Russia for the S-300 SAMs.  Both Russia and France reneged after the contracts were signed and finalized.  And just as France’s reputation will suffer from the Mistral fiasco, the Russian reputation will

Russia to offer Turkey advanced surface-to-air missiles

RIA Novosti reports: Russia is ready to participate in a tender to offer Turkey S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, the state-controlled arms exporter said on Wednesday. “The Turkish military has a great need for S-300 and S-400 long-range missile defense systems,” Rosoboronexport CEO Anatoly Isaikin said. “Russia has expressed its readiness to participate in a tender for the delivery of such systems.” He said leading SAM manufacturers from Western
