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Tag "saakashvili"

Saakashvili’s Silk Road Delusion

by Mister Unknown Recently Saakashvili made a rather  comical statement  on  Ukrainian TV , which reinforced my perception of him as someone “with a tendency for miscalculation”, to put it euphemistically. “Our plans now include the New Silk Road. Now logistics take 30 days if transported via Russia, but it will take up to nine days via Illichivsk [port]. Everything is available there. And large flows need to be attracted. And

Georgia’s internal politics turn into a sad show of paranoid buffoonery (UPDATED!)

Civil Georgia reports: A 30-minute long fake report by Imedi television station on Saturday evening as if Russian troops were advancing to Tbilisi triggered panic and also wave of anger on the television station, which has a nationwide broadcasting. In a brief notice to viewers before the launch of the report, the television station told viewers it was “a simulation” of what might happen in case Russian plans materialize. But

U.S. Sen. John McCain declared national hero of Georgia

RIA Novosti reports: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili awarded on Monday the National Hero of Georgia title to U.S. Senator John McCain. McCain, along with Senators John Barrasso and John Thune, arrived in Georgia on Sunday. The award ceremony was held on Monday in the southwestern Georgian resort of Batumi. “The fact that a part of Georgia is free today is the achievement of our friends. It was the idea of

The West Distances Itself from Saakashvili

by Venik (check out Venik’s blog) The visit of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (from here forward known as Hoop for the sake of brevity) and twenty six NATO representatives to Georgia was largely uneventful. As before, NATO gave Saakashvili no plans, schedules, or guarantees. Georgian president’s appeals to accelerate NATO membership program for his country fell largely on deaf ears. However, some of NATO chief’s remarks are worth consideration. NATO
