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Tag "saker community announcement"

The blog goes on “standby” mode due to Hurricane Dorian!

Dear friends, It looks like Hurricane Dorian might become an infamous “Labor Day Hurricane” which will most likely devastate a large part of the state: right now Dorian in scheduled to make landfall just east of Lake Okeechobee and then turn north towards Orlando-Gainesville.  See for yourself: Keep in mind that these tracks just show the statistical center of the “cone of uncertainty” and don’t pay too much attention to

UK Saker Community members: Sheikh Imran Hosein will be lecturing in the UK in Aug/Sept!

Dear friends, My dear friend Sheikh Imran Hosein will be lecturing in various cities across the UK (including Scotland!) in August and September.  If at all possible, I highly recommend that you do you best to try to attend one of his lectures and, if given the opportunity, speak with him.  This is especially true if you consider yourself a Christian and, even more so, an Orthodox Christian.  Don’t miss
