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Tag "Saker disgust"

From Gaza to Donetsk

I spent most of the day recovering from my latest flu (feeling better today, thanks) and watching the latest news.  And I noticed that the footage coming out of Gaza and Novorussia was almost identical. RT just showed some families bathing in a lake near Donetsk who had to run for their lives because the Ukrainian Nazis decided to launch an artillery strike on the lake (go figure).  Then the

1992-2011 bis repetita…

To my absolute dismay, what is happening with Libya is a complete remake of what happened in Bosnia.  A quasi-instantaneous armed insurrection, followed by a civil war, followed by a no-fly zone, followed by a peace plan accepted by the “bad guys” and rejected by the “good guys” and now, it appears, followed by the very same Europeans seriously considering sending in “peacekeeping” troops.  They even (re-)created a NATO kangaroo
