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Tag "Scott Horton"

Very interesting debate between Scott Horton and “Harvey from New York”

Two days ago Scott Horton debated a guy called Harvey Kushner from New York (I am not kidding!) at Texas A&M University and the resulting discussion is highly interesting to watch. First, Scott really ripped this poor Neocon into tiny little shreds over and over again. It is absolutely hilarious to see this so-called “expert” getting hammered by Scott who never pretended to be an expert on anything (even though

Reflections on the NIE on Iran and its consequences

It has been over a week since the publications on the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran and a number of observations about ti can now be made with some confidence. First and foremost, this NIE is clearly the product of long and protracted negotiations between the UN intelligence community and the Administration. It appears that the office of the VP finally agreed to release this NIE as a way,

The Saker interviews Scott Horton

Its been a long time since I wanted to ask Scott Horton about his political ideas. I have to confess that ever since I discovered his fantastic radio show and his blog I have been listening to it on a daily basis. Never before had I heard a radio show with such a more interesting list of experts invited or with a more knowledgable and free thinking host. Scott, whom

The Saker interviewed by Scott Horton’s radio show on KAOS 95.5 in Austin, Texas

Today, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the anti-war talk show host Scott Horton for his daily show on KAOS 95.5 radio in Austin, Texas. Our conversation covered topics such as the Israel/Neocon Lobby in the USA, its role in getting the US in wars in the Middle-East, its struggle against what I call the “Old Anglo Guard” and Russia’s relationship to the developments in Iran. Please click

The Saker on Scott Horton’s radio show for KAOS 95.5 in Austin, Texas

Dear friends, Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Scott Horton for the second time (click here to listen to my first interview with him after the Hamas takeover of Gaza) for his radio talk show. Scott asked me to call his show to discuss my recent article about Iranian options in case of a US attack. Click here to listen to this interview (the interview proper begins

Have We Forgotten 2003 Already? Statement on H Con Res 21 by Ron Paul

This resolution is an exercise in propaganda that serves one purpose: to move us closer to initiating a war against Iran. Citing various controversial statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, this legislation demands that the United Nations Security Council charge Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Having already initiated a disastrous war against Iraq citing UN resolutions as justification, this

My conversation with Scott Horton about the Middle-East

Yesterday I had the true honor and pleasure of being interviewed by Scott Horton, the fantastic Libertarian radio talk show host from Austin, Texas. His shows for Radio KAOS 95.5 in Austin are also streamed live the Internet through Antiwar Radio and are available on Scott’s excellent blog. I highly reccommend Scott’s show (his list of guests is simply fantastic) and his blog to all those who want to listen

The value of the lone dissenter

Originally, this was posted on Scott Horton’s blog For all its intrinsic merits – and God know they are numerous – it is unclear how big an audience Scott’s show reaches and, even more importantly, how much of an impact it has on anyone. Surely in a country which re-elected, scratch this, which elected Bush the Lesser in the midst of two lost wars any voice for reason and decency
