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Musings on yesterday’s elections in Lebanon in France

It sure looks like yesterday was a good day for the USraelian empire as some of its most obsequious stooges won the elections they were participating in: Sarkozy, Cohen-Bendit, Hariri, Siniora and Jumblatt all did unexpectedly well. Not only that, but the Far Right also did rather well in the EU elections – always a good thing for Washington. In France, the Anti-Zionist Party’s list lead by Dieudonne only got

Bad news from France and Lebanon

The preleminary results/projections from France and Lebanon show that the pro-Israeli parties have cleary won the elections. In France the big winners are Danny Cohen-Bendit and Sarkozy while in Lebanon the Three Stooges (Hariri, Jumblatt, Siniora) appear to have defeated the Resistance parties. It is too early to comment much about these results, but they are clearly a victory for the USraelian Empire.
