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Tag "sexual scandals"

Marital infidelities and the military

I have to confess that my post yesterday was a little tongue-in-cheek. Yes, I did think that the women who tempted those generals were not “worth it” (judging by their looks, at least), and I do believe that many, if not most, men in the totally over-sexed Western society end up being sexually frustrated to the point of becoming unable to control even their most basic sexual urges. It is

What kind of honey-pots are these?!

Its really the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal revisited, but only in an even more pathetic way.  After all, Clinton was “just” the President, and God knows Americans are used to dumb presidents, but this time were are dealing with the real-life equivalents of Captain America: Generals Petraeus and Allen, the hyper-overhyped mega-heroes of American militarism.  And yet these men, lionized as “true American heroes” by the corporate media, were brought down by
